Aubergine, the juvenile male pygmy hippopotamus that was born on August 4th, underwent a series of exams on Wednesday in an effort to find the cause of chronic nasal discharge that he has been experiencing. The exams included a CT scan, a rhinoscopy, and a bronchoscopy.
The Zoo Miami Animal Health team led by Chief Veterinarian Dr. Gwen Myers and assisted by Associate Veterinarians Dr. Gaby Flacke, Dr. Jimmy Johnson, and Dr. Marisa Bezjian, coordinated and supervised the procedures. Dr. Xavier Meaux and veterinary technician Robert Zapata of Mobile Pet Imaging performed the CT Scan and Dr. Woody Hayes, using valuable endoscopy equipment generously loaned by the Storz Company, performed the rhinoscopy and bronchoscopy exams in an effort to discover what may be causing the young hippo’s chronic discharge. Blood samples were also collected.
Initial results are still inconclusive and the veterinary team will be meeting within the next several days to discuss in depth some theories as to why Aubergine is exhibiting these symptoms and to determine what, if any treatment, will be necessary. In the meantime, he appears to have fully recovered from the procedures and is back on exhibit with his mother. Other than the nasal discharge, he is eating well and demonstrating normal behavior.
Original Post from Zoo Miami's Facebook page can be found here.
Photo Credit: Ron Magill